Monday, October 20, 2008


i've been crazily planning and dividing classes into the remaining so years of my college career and then i realize i didn't have any classes for my fifth year. =] ahaha. so i guess i can take a chill pill and drop one of my current classes. today i officially gave up listening to the prof. and honestly, i don't know about my classmates, but im not giving in anymore. im tired. i have fucken physics to study for. oh yeah i forgot to mention, i wanna do EAP in italy and perhaps brazil. =] my dream.
. man, i sure do hold grudges. i like her sometimes, but when i think too much about what she did and said, it gets me fired up. haha. like a grouchy pitbull. but when i do think about the good times i spent with her, it makes me wonder if holding on to those memories are worth it.

moving on, politics! alright, so i read the mailed big pamphlet last night. yes i did. so props 1-12 or 13, its about: crimes/jail-time/police force; kids hospital; transportation rail system; animal's rights; and gay marriage of course. but nothing mentions about education which i find it quite strange. unless i skipped a page or two. all requires lots of money to spend and i just do not know what to say except for prop 8 of course. i convinced my bro to register last sat. i hope the form got date stamped today or else he will not be able to vote. since i was already registered to vote, i applied for the mail in ballot form.

i hate people when they say i hate politics. politics govern our lives, so don't hate the system, hate the people in it. haha. nah, i say embrace it cuz its america baby and we gotta speak up and walk the walk.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

sad day

today is ending in three hours
cant wait
im wasting away my time watching gossip girl
my comfort zone

and i realize today that i dont have much close friends in irvine =[

taylor swift " you belong to me"

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i look up to nacho libre