Sunday, February 3, 2008



i feel pretty down

the brace rubber band got teared off
my laptop is infected
my stapler is broken
i have two midterms this week

but at least i have plenty of good food/snacks for the week

I will described myself as a planner, more or so less of a doer. People expect me to whip up something good and they will follow up on it. And I do it just because I think my ideas are better and because I think the others are lazy so I just do it all for them. But today, I am tired. For once, I just want to sit back and go with the flow. I do not feel like being the planner today nor do I want to be told what to do. I just want to ly on my bed and just watch comedy on my laptop. Basically I am lazy at this point in time.
But of course I will push away my soft, somewhat smelly blanket, put aside my laptop, and get back on my feet. I will continue to be the planner because that is who I am. I like to be in control and to be informed of such things.

But for today, I just want to, chillax.

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