Saturday, August 29, 2009

perhaps i overreacted on my last blog

I was backing up my laptop and i looked over the photos of me and my friend and i remember i had a blast with her during those picturing taking days. but im still aware of what happened the other day. i still dont know why she didnt call us up one by one and tell us she was here. guess i'll never know.

its hot. my bro and i plugged in the (un)portable a/c and now our living room is more livable. we need to unscrew the heater, its bringing the heat into the house. im really excited in moving into a new house. i think by next month we'll start hunting down houses. i hope this doesnt ruin my fin aid. i'll have to ask.

so i have 17 more classes i need to pass. and study abroad. and internship. yessum. happyface.

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