Sunday, November 8, 2009

im watching brothers & sisters. its late. 1.24 AM

"face the truth. it takes so much energy running away from it."

i have this invisible weight on my shoulders. its gonna be week 7 and i didnt even start painting for my senior ex. yet. i don't even have a set idea --- not even a drawing on ppr. ugh, my vision is so damn unclear. or its all up in the air, that i dont even know where to begin. i should just lock myself in a room and hopefully get something down, on paper.

and i really want to excel in physics. im not saying it cuz just to have something in mind, im saying it so i can really prove to myself that im smart enough to get an A on something sciency/math related. I always get Cs. there i said it. i want it badly. and um, i got a C for my midterm grade. im still angry with myself. i studied man, but not enough. i want to stay on top of physics and i want to produce a great masterpiece for my ex. and

ugh, dont get me started on my drawing class. i think i have so much on my hands, i cant hold it all. but i need to stop whining, and start doing something, at a more efficient, speedier pace.

so as for 2mrw,
i will
buy color pencils
take roomie's bf to metrolink
get a fucken masterful sketch down once and for all
finish ch 25 problems
cont on my response ppr
sketch my 'perspective' drawing
and poop =]

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